I want To Be Rich

My girls and I had an opportunity of entering one of Suraya houses two weekends ago. It’s one of those magnificently finished five bedroom houses. Room by room we explored..three bedrooms upstairs , master ensuite , a big spacious kitchen…


If you ever visit a different country or some far away place, feel free to take advantage of the wanna-be tour guides who are taxi drivers to get an understanding of the area or country that you are visiting. They…

My 5 Links

Kenyan fashion queen Styifiq, the bubbly Kawiria and the mysterious Mackel9 have tagged me. The challenge? To highlight five links from my blog under various categories. So here goes….                     Most popular…

Of Birthers And Royalty

A lot has happened this past week,  from the killing of Osama to the beautification of John Paul the second, to a girl becoming a queen-in-waiting. And if I cared about football, then I would mention last Wednesday’s El-Classico watched…

Wentworth Miller is Gay?!

***SPOILER ALERT – if you have not watched, Prison Break up until Prison Break : The final break then do yourself a favor and move on to another post.*** —————————————————————————- Hold up, Wentworth Miller is gay?! Damn. Who didn’t like Wentworth Miller when he…

How to ask for a Pay rise

According to Wikipedia, Mirroring is the behavior in which one person copies another person usually while interacting with them. It may include gestures, movements, body language, muscle tensions, expressions, tones, eye movements, breathing, tempo, accent, attitude, choice of words/metaphors and…