Active – 2010 to 2015.
I started blogging as a way to share my thoughts which i enjoy putting down in writing most of the time. I blog as a hobby. I blog about stuff that affects my life and those around me. Also, you will find my random thoughts here about various subjects – like, Why I Unfollowed you. 🙁
Under ‘I read’ I have listed some interesting places I love to visit on the blogosphere.
Blogging here has given me a way to connect with people I didn’t know, people who I now feel like I know because they read and leave a comment, or share the link or drop me an e-mail – People like you, reading this right now. I appreciate you. You inspire me!
One of my most favourite posts of all time is Anatomy of the Kenyan Househelp. Also, The smile of a woman , and of course my Tribute to Wangari Maathai , which was featured on NTV on the day the late Prof was laid to rest. You can tell. My favourite posts are about women. Guess it’s because I am a woman. No. A grown woman.
This blog has been featured on Business Daily and twice, on Zuqka.
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